Wednesday, January 14, 2009



"The Blues" was predicted for 2008 & shades of blue it surely has been. "The Blues" will stay with us for 2009 and most likely beyond.
The gemstones dominating here are tanzanite with its stunning purple blue, topaz ranging from light sky blue to a dark, rich London blue and last not least lapis lazuli continues its big comeback.

Green is a popular colour in jewellery design but right now it reigns, old favorites such as peridot or turquoise remain on the fashion radar, but 2009 sees a few newcomers such as amazonite and chrysoprase adding a Caribbean feel to the palette.
And if you thought that emerald is an old fashioned gem found at upper class tea parties - think again. The queen of green gems is back and ready to conquer the contemporary jewellery design arena.

Fairly new on the block for 2009 is the colour brown. Champagne & cognac diamonds and diamond beads dominate the top end market, champagne quartz and smokey quartz offer beautiful shades of brown in a more affordable price range. Even the pearl industry is going all the way releasing a chocolate brown south sea pearl.

When did black actually go out of fashion? Must have missed this... but anyway according to the trend forecast black is back. We are not only talking jet or black onyx - no it gets way more sparkly with black spinel, black pyrite and black diamonds becoming easily available.

And lets not forget purple, and, and...


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